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Need support now? It's free - call 0800 652 1102


Carer Support Line

Carer Support Line
0800 652 1102
Mon – Fri
9am – 5pm

Are you caring for someone with dementia? Feeling alone, overwhelmed, or worried about money?

We can help

Call our confidential Carer Support Line free 0800 652 1102 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

Free personal support for dementia carers

Our friendly team of specialist advisors offer free

  • counselling
  • benefits advice
  • practical support

You are not alone.

Who will I speak to?

Our specialists include a dementia nurse, a social worker, an advice and advocacy practitioner and a clinical psychologist who delivers counselling.

I really value the unconditional support Dementia Carers Count has given me. I get advice and guidance that’s specific to me and what’s happening right now.
Jonathan* dementia carer (name changed)