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Strategy and Impact

Strategy and Impact

Our strategy, running from 2024 – 2026, seeks to match our resources, and our expertise from working with dementia carers day in day out, with what carers tell us they really need: more support.

Support. Campaign. Sustain. Our 3 year strategy

Carers need support for their own wellbeing, and ability to carry on meeting the challenges of their journey as a dementia carer. And support to change the system that ignores them and takes carers for granted.

That’s why we’re investing heavily in

  • one to one confidential support through our Carer Support Line
  • online advice and information available on demand
  • new online support groups where carers can connect

And we’re committed to equipping and empowering carers to campaign with us for the things that matter to them.

Read our strategy

Our impact

We’re proud to have supported over 55,000 people online, on the phone and in groups since the launch of our flagship Carer Support Service in 2023. Carers describe the bespoke, wraparound support they receive from our telephone service as ‘life-changing’.

Read about our impact in 2023

Where our money comes from, and how we spend it

Funding sources

During 2023, most of our income came from our investments. Our next biggest source of income was grants, which totalled £103k, then charitable activities at £67k, donations at £38k and legacies at £5k.

How we spend income

For every £1 we spend, 63p goes on delivering our services and supporting that delivery, and we invest 27p into making our income sustainable by raising funds.

Thank you to our generous funders

And to The Tula Trust, The Grace Trust, Harapan Trust, The Bonhomie United Charity Society, The Privy Purse Charitable Trust, Ian Askew Charitable Trust and Lillie Johnson Charitable Trust

Read our Annual Report and Accounts