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Our People

Learn more about our people, discover who works and volunteers to support dementia carers, and why we do it.

Our Staff

Dr Gemima Fitzgerald

Clinical Psychologist

I aim to provide dementia carers with psychological support to help them feel listened to and understood, and to find new ways of coping.

Lorraine Haining

Dementia Specialist Nurse

I believe that carers deserve to be respected for the role they fulfil in society and need to be supported throughout their journey to be the best they can be.

Robert Sherratt

Advice and Advocacy Specialist

I am passionate about making sure carers know their rights, can access the support that they need and are treated with the respect that they deserve.

Frances Lawrence

Chief Executive

As a former dementia carer, I want to make sure that all dementia carers have someone to turn to.

Steve Dubbins

Director of Services

Unpaid dementia carers do an incredible job and save the UK economy billions every year. I believe every dementia carer should get the financial, practical and emotional support they need.  

Julia Mazorodze

Director of Communications and Growth

I’m a real believer in social justice – dementia carers are doing amazing things and shouldn’t have to go through this all alone.

Louise Prosser

Director of Finance & Resources

I want to ensure dementia carers always have access to the support they need to help them through difficult times.

Satya Cashman

Corporate Partnerships Manager

I believe in the power of connections between people and harnessing that to help those who need support.

Jennifer Currie

Finance Manager

I’m here to ensure we are sustainable so we can help and support dementia carers for years to come.

Sofie Fritz

Public Fundraising Manager

Dementia carers do so much, and I want to build a bridge between carers and the general public, letting carers know they’re not alone.

Iona-Jane Harris

Marketing and Communications Manager

I want to make sure dementia carers get the support they need and know where to find help. 

Katrina Parker

HR & Governance Officer

I’m here to support our team and Trustees to do the best they can so we are all able to advocate, campaign and aid dementia carers so they no longer feel isolated or alone.

Helen Pyper

Head of Policy and Campaigns

I’m here to help create the change dementia carers have told us they want, and which they so desperately need.

Justine Tatt

Trusts and Foundations Manager

I am motivated by carers’ stories to secure core funding and grants for projects that carers tell us they so desperately need.

Our Trustees