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Campaign with us

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Campaign with us for the changes carers need

Join our campaign community
There are nearly one million unpaid carers looking after someone with dementia. Most receive no support. Our research has shown that nine in ten dementia carers are reaching crisis points.

This must change.
Helen Pyper, Head of Policy & Campaigns

Campaign with us today to improve what care and support is available for dementia carers in the future. With your help, we won’t stop until all carers have what they need. 

A stronger voice for dementia carers

With our campaign community, we speak up alongside carers and campaign for changes to improve dementia carers’ lives across the UK. We share carers’ experiences, our concerns, solutions and recommendations with policy makers and make sure that they understand what urgently needs to change.

We campaign alongside other organisations who share our priorities and goals. We’re a member of the Care and Support Alliance, the Carer Poverty Coalition, the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, the National Care Forum and Wales Carers Alliance.

Join our campaign community
Join our campaign community

Carers Advisory Panel

Dementia carers are at the heart of everything we do. When it comes to campaigning, we have an amazing group of carers who share their insight, experiences and ideas to help us shape what we campaign on and how we campaign. If you would be interested in helping us or would like to know more about the group, we’d love to hear from you!

Carers Advisory Panel
Carers Advisory Panel

Annual Survey

Our 2024 annual survey of dementia carers is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey and shared their experiences of dementia care and accessing support.

We will be sharing our findings in early 2025.