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Business Partnerships

Partnering with us helps helps keep our services free for family dementia carers and shows your staff team they are supported at work.

My dad has deteriorated in the last 8 months and I’ve struggled with my mental health in this time. I spoke to GP who just wanted to sign me off work, but I felt that is the only thing in my life that’s for me. DCC 2023 Survey

Partnering with us sends a powerful message to the business community and your clients and customers that dementia carers count.

Join our network of corporate partners and receive:

Employee Support

Designed as an add on to your existing Employee Wellness Programme, we want to reach the dementia carers in your workplace with support and care. We offer personal consultation sessions for staff with our expert services team.

For unpaid carers in the workplace, all our free support services are available and should be made as accessible as possible by their employer. These include counselling, benefits advice, emotional and practical advice and support groups.

For paid carers, we offer ongoing one-on-one advice sessions on specific issues. We can support a Dementia Champion in your workplace to set up peer support groups and family support sessions.


Bespoke, long term business support to help staff with caring responsibilities to stay in work. On-demand advice on supporting your employees and customers, building your brand CSR and reaching carers in your workplace. We can help ensure your EDI policies account for the needs of dementia carers, improving staff retention and strengthening your brand as a Dementia Friendly organisation.


Any of our training courses can be adapted into bitesize, hour-long sessions and delivered to your staff team in webinar form. These can also be arranged for unpaid family carers in your network of residents or customers.

Charity of the Year

Make us your company’s charity of the year and help us provide carer support today and campaign for a better tomorrow. Our vision is a world where dementia carers count, and we need support from the business community to get there. Contact us below for a brochure on how business support impacts dementia carers and how vital it is to acknowledge and support unpaid family carers.

We’re delighted to be partnered with